GSE Events

Visiting Scholars Speaker Series: Professor Tolani Britton, Berkeley School of Education

Add to Calendar Icon 2025-02-26 12:00 2025-02-26 13:30 15 Penn GSE Event: Visiting Scholars Speaker Series: Professor Tolani Britton, Berkeley School of Education The Policy, Organizations, Leadership, and Systems division hosts Dr. Tolani Britton Feb. 26 at 12 p.m., who will share her research and focus as it relates to the themes of this year’s One Book, One GSE program with a talk titled, "Difficult Lessons on Prediction from Wisconsin Public Schools."
Stiteler Hall, Room 356-357, 208 South 37th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (and Zoom)
Raquel Arredondo DD/MM/YYYY
Wednesday, February 26, 2025 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Stiteler Hall, Room 356-357, 208 South 37th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 (and Zoom)

Join us for our next speaker in the 2024–2025 Visiting Scholars Speaker Series! The Policy, Organizations, Leadership, and Systems division hosts Dr. Tolani Britton, who will share her research and focus as it relates to the themes of this year’s One Book, One GSE program with a talk titled, "Difficult Lessons on Prediction from Wisconsin Public Schools."

Professor Tolani Britton (she/her) uses quasi-experimental methods to explore the impact of policies on students’ transition from secondary school to higher education, as well as access and retention in higher education. Prior to earning her doctorate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education in Quantitative Policy Analysis in Education, Professor Britton worked as a high school math teacher and college counselor in New York City public schools and as a policy analyst for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris, France. Professor Britton received a 2023–2028 NSF CAREER award, a 2023 Association for Education Finance and Policy Early Career Award, and an AERA Division L (Educational Policy and Politics) Early Career Award in 2022.

This series of events is a wonderful opportunity to engage with the GSE community and explore the themes of this year’s One Book, Try to Love the Questions by Lara Schwartz.

Please register to reserve your seat in person or receive the virtual Zoom link.

Event Contact

Raquel Arredondo