Here’s an old farmer’s trick: Tie a carrot to a stick and dangle it in front of your donkey. The hungry donkey will go after the carrot, the donkey’s cart will start rolling, and your goods will get to market.
You’ve got to be careful, though. If your stick is too long, the donkey will know that the carrot’s out of reach; it will sit on its haunches, and your cart will go nowhere.
We’re quickly approaching a “go nowhere” moment with education reform in the U.S. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is the most consequential piece of education legislation our nation has seen in generations, but its effect on school reform is starting to wane because it’s become clear that the carrot we’re chasing is much too hard to reach. By 2014, according to NCLB, all students must be able to master grade-level English and math, and that’s just not going to happen.
Unless Congress acts to revise our national goals for education, the Department of Education will soon have to label most of the nation’s schools as failures. And because of NCLB’s unrealistic expectations, standards-based education reform may stall.
In his State of the Union address, President Obama urged Congress to “replace No Child Left Behind with a law that is more flexible and focused on what’s best for our kids.”
But abandoning NCLB would be a huge mistake.
Warts and all, NCLB has done a world of good for U.S. education, mostly by encouraging standards-based reforms and by focusing the nation’s attention on accountability in education. Accountability is a good thing everywhere—in education, business and industry, the legal system, you name it.
Before NCLB, I rarely heard serious conversations in classrooms, schools, and districts about how we can do better for all (not just some) of our kids. Because of the culture of accountability that’s come with NCLB, most educators now accept that we have to do a better job, and many are working to do something about the inequities between haves and have-nots.
In short, NCLB has created a real sense of urgency among the four million or so people who work in the huge industry we call education. For the first time in a long time, we are hungry for clear, attainable and measurable goals for improvement.
We need to reform NCLB, but we mustn’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. We’ve learned a great deal about how to do high-stakes testing and accountability right.
Here’s what works:
Some people are saying that fixing NCLB is the low-hanging fruit of the coming Congress—an issue where lawmakers of both parties can put aside partisanship and accomplish something important. For the sake of our nation’s schools, students and teachers, let’s hope they do it, and do it right.