July 26, 2024
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A young woman shoveling dirt at the Penn Park Orchard with other volunteers working and Patient Pavilion in the background

The Project-Based Learning for Global Climate Justice research community at Penn empowers teachers to create active education experiences for students to learn about climate issues.

  • Global Initiatives
  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Teaching & Learning
July 24, 2024
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Three panelists and a moderator sit on stools in front of a seated audience in a wood-paneled lecture hall with a screen behind them reading "The McGraw Center for Educational Leadership"

The Penn GSE professor has co-authored 517 papers and been cited more than 30,000 times.

  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Higher Education
  • News from Penn GSE
June 26, 2024
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Penn GSE Dean Katharine Strunk, seated in a chair in front of an audience in a lecture hall, speaks into a microphone as Vice Dean of Innovative Programs and Partnerships Michael Golden listens, seated in a chair next to her. A screen behind them reads "Catalyst Summit: Propel Your EdTech Venture | How to deploy innovative solutions to tackle critical challenges."

“Propel Your EdTech Venture” brought together researchers, entrepreneurs, U.S. Department of Education officials, and corporate leaders at the forefront of innovation to learn strategies to overcome critical challenges and drive sustainable growth with a focus on putting research into practice.

  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
June 20, 2024
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EdEnt Founding Director Jenny Zapf (far left), Penn GSE Dean Katharine Strunk (fourth from right), Associate Dean Susan Yoon (third from right), and six EdEnt program alum from five different cohorts pose in business casual attire in front of a blue Penn GSE banner

About 150 students, alumni, faculty, staff, and industry leaders are expected to gather at Penn GSE on Saturday, June 22, to celebrate the anniversary.

  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • News from Penn GSE
April 8, 2024
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Gerald Campano

Gerald Campano will also be honored with a lifetime achievement award for his professional achievements and mentorship work.

  • Philadelphia Impact
  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Higher Education
March 12, 2024
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Julee Gard, wearing a red cap, a navy blue and white striped shirt, and a brown apron, is focused on serving sausages at a soup kitchen in Joliet, Illinois, alongside her University of St. Francis colleagues.

Gard developed the Financial Viability Index, a color-coded tool designed to help small, tuition-dependent colleges analyze their financial health efficiently and take actionable steps to avoid closure.

  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Higher Education
  • Leadership
  • Alumni
March 5, 2024
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Taylor Hausburg and Zachary Herrmann at the UN.

Penn GSE alumni are addressing the challenge of climate change across various sectors, including film, finance, communications, and education, as highlighted in the Penn GSE Magazine.

  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Alumni
February 13, 2024
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Headshots of Peter Eckel, Sharon Ravitch, and Karen Weaver

Books by Peter Eckel, Sharon Ravitch, and Karen Weaver explore a wide range of topics including university systems in former Soviet republics, successful leadership mindsets, and the money and politics behind college athletics.

  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Education Policy & Analysis
  • Higher Education
  • Leadership
January 26, 2024
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A smartphone is held in the center of the image with the ChatGPT website open on its browser. The phone is above a computer keyboard. You can see that the person has input “explain nuclear fusion in simple terms” as their prompt and the AI is generating an answer in return, illustrating how the program works for end-users.

Ross Aikins found students are finding new ways to use the tools, and AI is especially helpful for international students.

  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Higher Education
  • Teaching & Learning
December 21, 2023
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A large multicultural group of 27 youth, parents, and other adults pose together in a semicircle, smiling at the camera in a classroom.

The community-based research partnership aims to effect change through community members’ own research into the educational issues they face.

  • Philadelphia Impact
  • Race, Equity & Inclusion
  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Language, Literacy & Culture
  • Teaching & Learning


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