Earlier this year, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos increased her family’s financial stake in Neurocore, a company that claims it can treat conditions including anxiety, autism, depression, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, according to Education Week.
But Penn GSE’s Rebecca Maynard told Education Week that Neurocore’s claims are “misleading, at best.”
According to Education Week, federal financial disclosure forms show DeVos’s immediate family invested $5.5 million in Neurocore since she was confirmed as secretary in February.
In addition to her research at Penn GSE, Maynard previously served as Commissioner of the National Center for Education Evaluation at the Regional Assistance at the Institute of Education Sciences, which DeVos now oversees as part of the Department of Education. IES supports research to craft better education policies and practices.
“It bothers me to see anyone misusing evidence and promoting things that mislead the public,” Maynard told Education Week.