Before Penn GSE: Middle and High School Teacher
After Penn GSE: Project Director for Challenge Collaboratives, Digital Promise League of Innovative Schools
"My professional growth wouldn’t have been possible without my experiences at Penn GSE and the power of the network I created there.”
I work at the intersection of education practitioners, researchers, and developers for the League of Innovative Schools, a network of over 100 innovative district leaders and superintendents from around the country. Our goal is to identify the most pressing common challenges, develop teams of practitioners to address those challenges, and match funders, researchers, technologists, and partners to create solutions — first for the League and then across other districts throughout the United States.
My current role involves all the things that excite and interest me — from my years teaching in the classroom, years in technology and entrepreneurship, and years at Penn GSE working as a researcher.
Getting to learn from and work with learning scientist Yasmin Kafai was the most meaningful piece of my time at Penn. She is very much a mentor for me. The experience and knowledge of my classmates, whom I now think of as colleagues, introduced me to perspectives critical to my learning.
Since I started at Penn GSE, I progressed from admiring people whose educational ideas have shaped the world that I work in, to getting to know the people behind the studies and citations, to participating in that world in a meaningful way. That professional growth wouldn’t have been possible without my experiences at Penn GSE and the power of the network I created there.