Midpoint of the semester: Do I give up? Absolutely not! Coming from a quarter-system undergraduate program, the midway point of the semester can feel like it’s time to give up. However, I see the glass as half-full, with the excitement of what I’ve accomplished so far and how close I am to finishing the semester! Here are some tips and tricks I’ve learned to help me finish the semester strong:

- Stay organized

Stay on top of your planner/calendar. Don’t have one? Get one! There are many free options (Google Calendar is my favorite), that help you stay organized. Personally, I like to color code my commitments so I make sure I’m spending enough time studying/working out/spending time with my friends/etc.

- Take pride in your accomplishments

It’s easy to forget about what you’ve accomplished in your life. Getting accepted into Penn is a major one! I like to write down my accomplishments to remind me that my hard work paired with the people who have helped me along the way pays off. Sometimes, your accomplishments aren’t purely about work or school, like staying in touch with loved ones or checking things off on your to-do list.

- Treat yo self

Don’t forget to take time for yourself. I cannot emphasize how important this is, especially when you feel stressed. Take time to reflect and do things you enjoy. For me, it’s sleeping for at least six hours a night (no matter how much homework I have), using Korean face masks, and calling my niece and nephew!