Selected Publications
Campano, G., Ghiso, M. P., & Thakurta, A. (in press). Community-based partnerships: Fostering epistemic rights through improvement focused research. In D. Peurach & A. Datnow (Eds.), Foundational handbook on improvement-focused educational research.
Ghiso, M. P., Campano, G., Thakurta, A., & Vazquez, O. (in press). Community-based research with immigrant families: Sustaining an intellectual commons of care, resistance, and solidarity. Urban Education.
Campano, G. (in press). Nurturing communities of inquiry across difference: Toward decolonial social formations in literacy research and practice. In D. Alvermann & D. Sumara (Eds.), Ideas that changed literacy. Myers Press.
Campano, G., Ghiso, M. P., Badaki, O., & Kannan, C. (2020). Agency as collectivity: Community-based research for educational equity. Theory into Practice.
Ghiso, M. P., Campano, G., Schwab, E., Assah, G., & Rusoja, A. (2019). Mentoring in research-practice partnerships: Toward democratizing expertise. AERA Open.
Nichols, T. P., & Campano, G. (2017). Posthumanism and literacy studies. Language Arts, 94(4), 245–251.
Campano, G., Ghiso, M. P., Rusoja, A., Player, G., & Schwab, E. (2016). “Education without boundaries”: Literacy pedagogies and human rights. Language Arts, 94(1), 43–53.
Campano, G., Ngo, L., Low, D. E., & Jacobs, K. B. (2016). Young children demystifying and remaking the university through critical play. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 16(2), 199–227.
Campano, G., Ghiso, M. P., & Welch, B. (2016). Partnering with immigrant communities: Action through literacy. Teachers College Press.
Simon, R., & Campano, G. (2015). Hermeneutics of literacy pedagogy. Handbook of literacy studies (pp. 472–486). Routledge.
Campano, G., Ngo, L., Low, D. E., & Jacobs, K. B. (2015). Young children demystifying and remaking the university through critical play. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. Published online first, April 7, 2015, doi: 10.1177/1468798415577875.
Campano, G., Ghiso, M. P., & Welch, B. (2015). Ethical and professional norms in community-based research. Harvard Educational Review, 85(1), 29–49.
Campano, G. (2013). Literacy in/for action: Prefigurative pedagogies and collective knowledge projects. Journal of Literacy and Composition Studies, 1(2), 78–85.
Campano, G., Ghiso, M. P., & Sánchez, L. (2013). “No one knows the…amount of a person”: Elementary students critiquing dehumanization through organic critical literacies. Research in the Teaching of English, 48(1), 98–125.
Ghiso, M. P., & Campano, G. (2013). Coloniality in education: Negotiating discourses of immigration in schools and communities through border thinking. Equity and Excellence in Education, 46(2), 252–269.
Campano, G., Ghiso, M. P., Yee, M., & Pantoja, A. (2013). Toward community research and coalitional literacy practices for educational justice. Language Arts, 90(5), 314–326.
Campano, G., & Ghiso, M. P. (2011). Immigrant students as cosmopolitan intellectuals. In S. Wolf, P. Coates, P. Enciso, & C. Jenkins (Eds.), Handbook on research on children’s and young adult literature (pp. 164–176). Lawrence Erlbaum.
Campano, G., Honeyford, M., Sánchez, L., & Vander Zanden, S. (2010). Ends in themselves: Theorizing the practice of university-school partnering through horizontalism. Language Arts, 87(4), 277–286.
Beach, R., Campano, G., Edminston, B., & Borgmann, M. (2010). Literacy tools in the classroom: Teaching through critical inquiry. Teachers College Press.
Campano, G. (2009). Teacher research as a collective struggle for humanization. In M. Cochran-Smith & L. Lytle (Eds.), Inquiry as stance: Practitioner research for the next generation. (pp. 347–381). Teachers College Press.
Vasudevan, L., & Campano, G. (2009). The social production of risk and the promise of adolescent literacies. Review of Research in Education, 33(1), 310–353.
Campano, G. (2007, October). Honoring student stories. Educational Leadership, 65(2), 48–54.
Campano, G. (2007). Immigrant students and literacy: Reading, writing, and remembering. Teachers College Press.