Selected Publications
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Cioè-Peña, M. (2022). The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s school: Interrogating settler colonial logics in language education. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics.
Cioè-Peña, M. (2022). Computers secured, connection still needed: Understanding how technology distributions during COVID-19-related remote schooling impacted Spanish-speaking mothers of emergent bilinguals with dis/abilities. Journal of Latinos & Education.
Cioè-Peña, M. (2021). From culturally sustaining pedagogies to culturally sustaining research: Engaging with culturally and linguistically diverse families of students with dis/abilities. Teachers College Record.
Cioè-Peña, M. (2021, Online First). Remote schooling supports for linguistically diverse parents of emergent bilinguals labeled as having disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic.
Cioè-Peña, M. (2021, Online First). TrUDL: The intersectional possibilities of translanguaging and universal design for learning. TESOL Quarterly.
Cioè-Peña, M. (May 14, 2021, Online First). After the phone call: Culture, disability and the construction of a “bad” mother. Journal of Latinos and Education.
Cioè-Peña, M. (2021). Wanting to leave; needing to stay: Issues for undocumented mothers of children with disabilities. Multiple Voices - Disability, Race and Language Intersections in Special Education, 20(2), 6–23.
Cioè-Peña, M. (2020). Planning inclusion: The need to formalize parental participation in individual education plans (and meetings). The Educational Forum, 84(4), 377–390.
Cioè-Peña, M. (2020). Bilingualism for students with disabilities, deficit or advantage?: Perspectives of Latinx mothers. Bilingual Research Journal.
Cioè-Peña, M. (2020). Raciolinguistics and the education of Emergent Bilinguals Labeled as Disabled. Urban Review.
Cioè-Peña, M. (2017). Disability, bilingualism and what it means to be normal. Journal of Bilingual Education Research & Instruction, 19(1).
Cioè-Peña, M. (2017). Who is excluded from inclusion? Points of union and division in bilingual and special education. Theory, Research, and Action in Urban Education: Special Issue on #BlackLivesMatter, 5(1).
Cioè-Peña, M. (2017). The intersectional gap: How bilingual students in the United States are excluded from inclusion. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 10.1080/13603116.2017.1296032
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Phuong, J., & Cioè-Peña, M. (2022). Perfect or mocha: Language policing and pathologization. In S. Annamma, B. Ferri, & D. Connor (Eds), DisCrit expanded: Inquiries, reverberations & ruptures.
Cioè-Peña, M. (Accepted). Teach in the mornings, cry in the evenings: The impact of COVID-19 remote schooling on the mothers of emergent bilinguals with disabilities. In W. Veck, M. Proyer, F. Dovigo, & E. Seitinger (Eds.), Education in an altered world: Pandemic, crises and young people vulnerable to educational exclusion. Bloomsbury.
Cioè-Peña, M., & Linares, R. (2021). “What we experience is what we value: Latinx Emergent Bilinguals Labeled as Disabled” in O. García & M. Sanchez (Eds.), Transformative translanguaging espacios: Latinx students and their teachers rompiendo fronteras sin miedo. Multilingual Matters.
Cioè-Peña, M. (2021). Teaching as oppression; teaching as liberation. In D. J. Connor & B. A.. Ferri (Eds.), How Teaching Shapes our Thinking About Dis/abilities: Stories from The Field. Peter Lang.
Woodley, H., Cioè-Peña, M., Hesson, S., & Solorza, C. (2020). Different places, different issues: Teacher education reimagined through the CUNY- NYSIEB experience. In The CUNY-NYSIEB Team (Eds.), Translanguaging and transformative teaching for emergent bilingual students: Lessons from the CUNY-NYSIEB project. Routledge.
Cioè-Peña, M. (2020). Dual language and the erasure of emergent bilinguals labeled as disabled. In N. Flores, A. Tseng, & N. C. Subtirelu (Eds.), Bilingualism for all? Raciolinguistic perspectives on dual language education. Multilingual Matters.
Cioè-Peña, M., & Castro, L. (2019). Bad mother. In P. Lalvani (Ed.), Constructing the (M)other: Narratives of disability, motherhood, and the politics of normal. Peter Lang.
Collins, B., & Cioè-Peña, M. (2016). Translanguaging in the content area to understand complex texts. In O. Garcia & T. Klein (Eds.), Translanguaging with multilingual students. Routledge.