Selected Publications
Gadsden, V. L. & Genty, P. (Eds.) (in press). Incarcerated parents and their children. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Wortham, S. & Gadsden, V. L. (2004). The complexities of “similarity” in research interviewing. Investigating classroom interaction: Methodologies in action. Working Papers in Educational Linguistics, 19, 1–32.
Gadsden, V. L., Davis, J. E., & Artiles, A. (Eds., 2009). Risk, equity, and schooling. Review of Research in Education, 33, vii-xi.
Gadsden, V. L. (2008). The arts and education: Knowledge generation, pedagogy, and the discourse of learning. Review of Research in Education, 32, 29–61.
Gadsden, V. L. (2017). Family literacy. In N. Hornberger & B. Street (Eds.), Encyclopedia of language and education. New York: Springer, pp. 181–195.
Gadsden, V. L. (2007) Critical issues in research and practice on fatherhood. In W. Darity (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social sciences. Thomson/Macmillian Publishers.
Gadsden, V. L. & Fuhrman, S. (2007). Reflections on educational equity in post-Katrina New Orleans. The children Hurricane Katrina left behind: Schooling context, Professional preparation, and community politics. In S. P. Robinson & M. C. Brown (eds.), Publication for the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 73–88.
Gadsden, V. L. (2006). African American families: Culture and literacies in life-course perspective. Book-length volume to be submitted to Teachers College Press.
Gadsden, V. L. (2006). The adult learner in family literacy: Gender and its intersections with role and context. In A. Belzer & H. Beder (eds.), Defining and improving quality in adult basic education: Issues and challenges. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Gadsden, V. L., Ray, A., Jacobs, C. Y., Gwak, S. (2006). Parents’ expectations of their children’s early literacy. In R. T. Jimenez & V. O. Pang (eds.), Race, ethnicity, and education: Language, literacy, and schooling. New York: Praeger.