Selected Publications
Stornaiuolo, A., & Monea, B. (2023). Pocket writing: How adolescents’ self-sponsored writing circulates in schools. Written Communication. Advance online publication.
Pangrazio, L., Stornaiuolo, A., Nichols, T. P, Garcia, A., & Philip, T. (2022). Datafication meets platformization in education: Materializing data processes in teaching and learning. Harvard Educational Review, 92(2), 257–283.
Stornaiuolo, A. (2020). Authoring data stories in a media makerspace: Adolescents developing critical data literacies. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 29(1), 81–103.
Nichols, T. P., & Stornaiuolo, A. (2019). Assembling digital literacies: Contingent pasts, possible futures. Media and Communication, 7(2), 14–24.
Stornaiuolo, A., & Nichols, T. P. (2019). Cosmopolitanism and education. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford University Press.
Stornaiuolo, A., & Nichols, T. P. (2018). Making publics: Mobilizing audiences in high school makerspaces. Teachers College Record, 120(8), 1-38.
Mills, K. A., Stornaiuolo, A., Smith, A., & Pandya, J. Z. (Eds.). (2018). Handbook of writing, literacies, and education in digital cultures. Routledge.
Stornaiuolo, A., & Thomas, E. E. (2017). Disrupting educational inequalities through youth digital activism. Review of Research in Education, 41(1), 337–357.
Stornaiuolo, A., Smith, A., & Phillips, N. (2017). Theorizing a transliteracies framework for a connected world. Journal of Literacy Research, 49(1).
Thomas, E. E., & Stornaiuolo, A. (2016). Restorying the self: Bending toward textual justice. Harvard Educational Review, 86(3), 313–338.
Stornaiuolo, A. (2016). Teaching in global collaborations: Navigating challenging conversations through cosmopolitan activity. Teaching and Teacher Educatio, 59, 503–513. doi:10.1016/j.tate.2016.07.001
Stornaiuolo, A., & LeBlanc, R. J. (2016). Scaling as a literacy activity: Mobility and educational inequality in an age of global connectivity. Research in the Teaching of English, 50(3), 263–287.
Hull, G., & Stornaiuolo, A. (2014). Cosmopolitan literacies, social networks, and “proper distance”: Striving to understand in a global world. Curriculum Inquiry, 44(1), 15–44.
Hull, G. A., & Stornaiuolo, A. (2010). Literate arts in a global world: Reframing social networking as cosmopolitan practice. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 54(2), 84–96.
Hull, G. A., Stornaiuolo, A., & Sahni, U. (2010). Cultural citizenship and cosmopolitan practice: Global youth communicate online. English Education, 42(4), 331–367.
Stornaiuolo, A., Hull, G. A., & Nelson, M. E. (2009). Mobile texts and migrant audiences: Rethinking literacy and assessment in a new media age. Language Arts, 86(5), 382–392.