Penn GSE News
November 10, 2015

In the NYT, Ebony Thomas states that the book A Fine Dessert presents a “degrading” depiction of an enslaved African-American mother and daughter in 1810 South Carolina. 

In the Media
November 6, 2015
, The New York Times

‘A Fine Dessert’: Judging a Book by the Smile of a Slave

“Publishers are not thinking enough about who is reading these books,” says Ebony E. Thomas.

Marybeth Gasman, Penn GSE
In the Media
November 4, 2015
, Inside Higher Ed

String of Shootings at Black Colleges

Marybeth Gasman comments on shootings at HBCUs in the context of other recent campus shootings.

Penn GSE News
October 30, 2015

In an op-ed for the Washington Post, C-SAIL director Andy Porter writes that the focus of education reform should be implementing more rigorous content, not standardized testing. 

Penn GSE News
October 29, 2015

Eight companies from around the world have joined the Education Design Studio Inc.'s third cohort to further develop ventures aimed at solving problems in education. 

Yasmin B. Kafai, Penn GSE
In the Media
October 29, 2015
, Grid Magazine

Philadelphia's Maker Jawn program

Students in Yasmin Kafai's courses engage in creative work through Philadelphia's Maker Jawn program.

Penn GSE News
October 28, 2015

Throughout October, Penn GSE’s Center for MSIs is hosting a microgiving campaign to support Minority-Serving Institutions across the country. 

Joni Finney, Penn GSE
In the Media
October 28, 2015
, Yahoo Finance

How will GOP candidates address this $1.3T issue?

"There is a broader affordability issue that the public is very concerned about," says Joni Finney.

Joni Finney, Penn GSE
In the Media
October 28, 2015

Where do GOP candidates stand on student loan debt?

GOP talks student loans, but "none of them are going after the problem that caused this high debt," says Joni Finney.

In the Media
October 28, 2015
, PBS NewsHour

What happens when police become school disciplinarians?

S.C. video shows "just a snapshot of a larger set of structural issues around discipline," says Shaun Harper. 

Penn GSE News
October 27, 2015

The forum, a partnership between Penn GSE’s Mid-Career Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership and the Asian Society, brought educators from 15 countries to Penn. 

Marybeth Gasman, Penn GSE
In the Media
October 27, 2015
, The Wall Street Journal

Historically Black Colleges Offer Rewards for Those Who Finish, Study Finds

Marybeth Gasman comments: “There is considerable research that shows that HBCUs provide an empowering environment free of white racism.”

Penn GSE News
October 23, 2015

Following up on the School’s June gathering at the recently launched Penn Wharton China Center, Dean Pam Grossman continued fostering ties with the Penn GSE and education communities in China at several September events held in Shanghai and Beijing. 

Richard M. Ingersoll, Penn GSE
In the Media
October 22, 2015

Hey, New Teachers, It's OK To Cry In Your Car

The more comprehensive a mentoring program, the more likely a new teacher is to stick around, says Richard Ingersoll.

Annie McKee, Penn GSE
In the Media
October 20, 2015
, Harvard Business Review

Shifting from Star Performer to Star Manager

Annie McKee of the PennCLO & Med Ed programs explains the skills required to transition into a leadership role. 
