Penn GSE News

Penn GSE’s website has been recognized as one of the best designed and most usable in the world of education.

Penn GSE News

Sokoloff, Director of the Penn Project for Civic Engagement, will lead a community dialogue process to help the recently established Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) become a “best-in-class regulator.” 

Penn GSE News

Following a lively on-campus kickoff in September, Penn GSE’s Centennial celebration went on the road to four cities this fall, bringing together alumni, friends, faculty, and prospective students in Boston, Miami, Chicago, and San Francisco.

Penn GSE News
A review found "Promoting Racial Literacy in Schools" to be "highly accessible, yet intensely thought provoking."
Penn GSE News
October 31, 2014

Doug and Betsy Korn hope that their generosity not only assures that students at Penn GSE can flourish, but inspires others to give, as well.

Penn GSE News
The Center hosted the first major conference on MSIs around the world as part of the Salzburg Global Seminar series.
Penn GSE News
PhilWP hopes to raise $15,000 for youth writing programs like Project Write, its summer writing enrichment camp for teens.
Penn GSE News
Nearly 400 attended the “White House Summit on Educational Excellence for African Americans” at Penn October 18.
Penn GSE News
October 14, 2014

Can American higher education make the grade? A Penn GSE professor turns up the heat on state leaders throughout the nation.

Penn GSE News
The Literary Research Association award recognizes Lytle’s decades of pioneering work in literacy, teaching and teacher learning.
Penn GSE News
Penn GSE is using its first microgiving campaign of 2014-2015 to support Penn AHEAD, the Alliance for Higher Education and Democracy.
Penn GSE News
The new executive-style program teaches students to conceptualize, develop, and manage effective 21st-century innovations in education.
Penn GSE News

Events celebrating Penn GSE's 100th anniversary will continue through 2014-2015.
