From prestigious awards to new grants to staying on top of the national conversation, our inbox at Penn GSE News has been brimming with accolades.
In no particular order:
Shaun Harper was named #36 on The Root’s Top 100 list.
Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher has been awarded a Spencer Small Grant (with Penn GSE alum and Rutgers professor, Thea abu el-Haj) for a study that entitled Unequal Citizens: Documenting the Civic Lives of American Muslim Youth.
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation announced their first cohort of public health leadership fellows—a prestigious 4-year funding grant for leading doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows. Jasmine Blanks-Jones, a doctoral student in Education, Culture, and Society studying with Sigal Ben-Porath, and Riana Elyse Anderson, a postdoctoral fellow in the Racial Empowerment Collaborative and the Human Development and Quantitative Methods Division, are among the program’s recipients.
Alan Ruby provided expertise on a panel on Brexit, held by NAFSA, the Association of International Educators: Brexit and Its Implications for Higher Education Internationalization: A Virtual Symposium of the NAFSA Senior Fellows for Internationalization.
The winners of the 2017 Robert Zemsky Medal for Innovation in Higher Education award, granted by the Penn GSE Executive Doctorate in Higher Education Management program, are Inside Higher Ed and its editors, Scott Jaschik and Doug Lederman.
Yasmin Kafai was invited to the White House Symposium on the Future of Education R&D and Digital Learning on October 5th.
Laura Perna received a new $500,000 grant from Lumina Foundation for a project entitled “Improving equity in higher education attainment in the United States.”
Dan Wagner and the International Educational Development Program hosted Monseignor Marcelo Sanchez-Sorondo, from the Vatican Pontifical Academy of Sciences, for the opening of the 2016-2017 IEDP Lecture Series. View the lecture on YouTube.
Lisette Nieves, an alumnus of the Executive Doctorate in Higher Education Management (Cohort 14) has been chosen to receive the National Council on Student Development Dissertation of the Year Award for her dissertation entitled Breaking the Tradeoff Between School and Work: Community College Voices on Navigating Work and School Roles.
Jack Laviolette, Penn ’16, just won an award for the best Undergraduate Essay from the Society for Linguistic Anthropology for a paper he wrote in Robert Moore’s course in Educational Linguistics, entitled “‘Cyber-Metapragmatics’ and Alterity on”