July 24, 2024
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Three panelists and a moderator sit on stools in front of a seated audience in a wood-paneled lecture hall with a screen behind them reading "The McGraw Center for Educational Leadership"

The Penn GSE professor has co-authored 517 papers and been cited more than 30,000 times.

  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Higher Education
  • News from Penn GSE
June 20, 2024
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EdEnt Founding Director Jenny Zapf (far left), Penn GSE Dean Katharine Strunk (fourth from right), Associate Dean Susan Yoon (third from right), and six EdEnt program alum from five different cohorts pose in business casual attire in front of a blue Penn GSE banner

About 150 students, alumni, faculty, staff, and industry leaders are expected to gather at Penn GSE on Saturday, June 22, to celebrate the anniversary.

  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • News from Penn GSE
June 11, 2024
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Four people in professional dress sit in blue chairs engaged in discussion underneath a screen that reads, “Celebration of Educators 2024: Learn. Celebrate. Connect.”

Penn GSE’s annual Alumni Weekend event featured a faculty panel discussion on “The Price of Education” and celebrated the winners of the Education Alumni Awards.

  • News from Penn GSE
May 21, 2024
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Mayor Cherelle Parker speaks at a podium while Dean Katharine O. Strunk and other faculty in regalia look on at Penn GSE's 2024 commencement ceremony

Penn GSE’s Commencement on Saturday, May 18, graduated over 700 students — the largest class in the school’s history. The ceremony was highlighted by speaker Cherelle Parker, the 100th mayor of Philadelphia and the first woman to lead the city, who emphasized the importance of planting deep roots and becoming active citizens with the power to create change.

  • News from Penn GSE
May 14, 2024
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Corner facade of the Penn GSE Building

Congratulations to all our distinguished faculty, staff, and student recipients for their exceptional achievements!

  • News from Penn GSE
March 25, 2024
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Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker

Parker, who took office this year, has pledged to make strengthening Philadelphia public schools a priority of her administration.

  • Philadelphia Impact
  • News from Penn GSE
December 19, 2023
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Penn GSE 2023 Stories, clockwise from top left: Dean Katharine O. Strunk; Dr. James Lester delivers the keynote at the McGraw Center for Educational Leadership opening event; Suzanne McGraw is in the audience at an event, listening; Cover art for the second episode of the Educator's Playbook Podcast

Look back with us at some of the stories that defined 2023 for our community.

  • Philadelphia Impact
  • Global Initiatives
  • Race, Equity & Inclusion
  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Education Policy & Analysis
  • Language, Literacy & Culture
  • Leadership
  • Teaching & Learning
  • News from Penn GSE
November 9, 2023
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From left, Harold McGraw III, Penn GSE Dean Katharine Strunk, David Wilson, Deborah Durado, Barbara Oakley, Robert McGraw, Suzanne McGraw, and Catalyst @ Penn GSE's Michael Golden at the McGraw Prize celebration on November 8.

Nominations are now open for the 2024 McGraw Prize in Education.

  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Leadership
  • News from Penn GSE
November 2, 2023
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Clockwise from top left, Charlotte Jacobs, Sarah Kavanagh, Alex Posecznick, Amy Stornaiuolo, Diane Waff, Roberto Gonzalez, and Jen McLaughlin Cahill

The Collaboratory for Teaching and Teacher Education, Ethnography in Education Research Forum, HEARD and PhilWP have all welcomed new leadership in recent months.

  • News from Penn GSE
November 1, 2023
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From left, GSE Board of Advisors chair Jeff McKibben, GSE Dean Katharine Strunk, Penn President Liz Magill, former GSE Dean Pam Grossman, and GSE board member and former chair Doug Korn cut a red “Penn GSE”-branded ribbon with scissors in front of the glass façade of the new building entrance at night.

Penn GSE celebrated a $35.6 million expansion and renovation with self-guided tours, a dedication ceremony, and a ribbon-cutting event Oct. 25. School and University leaders praised the new building they say symbolizes unity, innovation, and an outward perspective.

  • News from Penn GSE


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