Penn GSE’s Howard Stevenson offers advice for parents looking for what to say, and listen for, after a racial incident in the community or in the headlines.
Learn how a Penn GSE professor trains students and educators in racial literacy—the skills to identify and resolve racially stressful social interactions.
Thomas’ selections highlight the best storytelling of the year that deals with issues like gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, and socioeconomic class in ways that are real and empathetic.
In the NYT, Ebony Thomas states that the book A Fine Dessert presents a “degrading” depiction of an enslaved African-American mother and daughter in 1810 South Carolina.
The new study from the Center for Race and Equity in Education offers a school district-by-district look at suspensions and expulsions in 13 Southern states.
Penn GSE Professor Shaun R. Harper has been appointed to the MBK Alliance Advisory Council, along with Penn alumnus Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter. Penn alumnus John Legend has been named Honorary Chairman of the Alliance. President Barack Obama announced the launch of the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance (“MBK Alliance”), which aims to make the American Dream available to all boys and young men of color by eliminating gaps in their opportunities and outcomes.