October 14, 2016
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Jesse Nickelson, GRD’11, believes it is his mission, as an educator and museum administrator, to cultivate civic engagement and leadership in students.

  • Alumni
October 14, 2016
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Hitomi Yoshida, GED’95, broadens the student experience through intercultural programming at the Penn Museum.

  • Alumni
October 14, 2016
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Constance Clayton, GRD’81, utilizes African-American art to empower and educate children.


  • Alumni
October 1, 2016
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A master’s student in the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) program, James Busacca is pursuing his dreams of an international career.

  • Global Initiatives
  • Alumni
April 14, 2016
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Shruti Bhat, GED’15, has made it her mission to bring education, health, and social services to children in poverty around the globe.

  • Global Initiatives
  • Alumni
April 14, 2016
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To Helen Gym, C’93, GED’96, if the quality of American public education is at stake, so are the values at the heart of our democracy.


  • Education Policy & Analysis
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Alumni
April 14, 2016
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When Andrew Biros, C’10, GED’12, undertook his student-teaching assignment in Penn GSE’s Teacher Education Program, he found that too many of his pupils at University City High School in Philadelphia did not expect to be active participants in the classroom.

  • Education Policy & Analysis
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Alumni
April 14, 2016
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In 2009, Paul Quinn College was in danger of losing its accreditation. When Michael Sorrell, GRD’15, became president, he enacted a series of audacious initiatives that effected change, empowerment, and enrollment.

  • Higher Education
  • Alumni
April 14, 2016
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Chris Parris’s dream of putting more Boston public school students on a path to college brought him to Penn GSE’s M.S.Ed. in Education Entrepreneurship program.

  • Education Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Alumni
April 14, 2016
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Learn how Penn GSE alumni are addressing insufficient funding, unidentified learning needs, poverty, and gaps in educational quality and availability.

  • Education Policy & Analysis
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Alumni


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