In the Media
October 8, 2016
, The Washington Post

Many men talk like Donald Trump in private. And only other men can stop them.

Donald Trump's comments about women are dominating the news this weekend. But Shaun Harper writes in the Washington Post that this is a much bigger problem than Trump.

Linda Lucker Leibowitz, Penn GSE
In the Media
October 6, 2016
, The Associated Press

Advice for parents on body image amid 2016 campaign insults

Parents, teachers, and counselors alike need to talk with children of all ages about the kind of weight bullying happening in the Trump campaign, says Linda Lucker Leibowitz. 

Penn GSE News
October 5, 2016

Cristina Alvarez is co-founder and CEO of Design Lab High, which was recently named one of 10 XQ Super Schools in the country. 

Awards & Honors
October 5, 2016

The Systemic Formative Assessment to Promote Mathematics Learning in Urban Elementary Schools is a $3 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to focus on developing, implementing, refining, and testing a systemic support model to strengthen implementation of the Ongoing...

In the Media
October 3, 2016
, EdCircuit

Will Librarians Be The Overseers Of The Digital Age?

"I believe it is critically the role of the librarians to train students with the skill to say, 'Okay, let's look at what makes the information good information'," says Eleni Miltsakaki.

Jonathan Zimmerman, Penn GSE
In the Media
October 2, 2016
, Philadelphia Inquirer

A full discussion of Islam in the classroom

Jonathan Zimmerman pens an op-ed about having conversations about Islam in the classroom.

In the Media
October 2, 2016
, Washington Post

Student recommended for mental health screening after drawing picture of lynching and ‘Black Lives Matter’

Shaun Harper comments on a school’s reaction to a student’s depiction of racism in America.

Penn GSE News
October 1, 2016

A master’s student in the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) program, James Busacca is pursuing his dreams of an international career.

Penn GSE News
September 30, 2016

From prestigious awards to new grants to staying on top of the national conversation, our inbox at Penn GSE News has been brimming with accolades. 

Press Releases
September 29, 2016
Report finds 135,000 students, or up to 19% of those eligible, sat out 2015 standardized tests.
In the Media
September 29, 2016
, Inside Higher Ed

Right Answers, Wrong Questions

Peter Eckel describes the wrong questions that institutional boards often ask themselves, as well as those they should ask but frequently don't.

Howard C. Stevenson, Penn GSE
In the Media
September 28, 2016
, USA Today

Study: Teachers' 'implicit bias' starts in preschool

“If this can happen at the level of preschool, perhaps it could happen at other levels as well," said Howard Stevenson, commenting on a new study that implicit racial bias begins in preschool.

Penn GSE News
September 28, 2016

Public and private elementary, middle, and high schools that attain Blue Ribbon status are those where students achieve at high levels or where the achievement gap is narrowing. Penn Alexander was honored for its work narrowing the achievement gap.

Joni Finney, Penn GSE
In the Media
September 27, 2016
, The Associated Press

Colleges lavishing more financial aid on wealthy students

Citing Joni Finney's recent report that found that investment in merit aid is outpacing need-based aid, this AP piece discusses the reasons why colleges and universities are increasing merit aid to attract students from wealthier backgrounds.

Penn GSE News
September 27, 2016

In an essay in the Washington Post, Gasman outlines the choices colleges make that keep faculties whiter than their students. 

Press Releases
September 27, 2016
Nelson Flores is available for comment on the first presidential debate.
