Amy Stornaiuolo, Penn GSE
Awards & Honors
January 12, 2017

Designing the Impact Studio is a half a million-dollar grant funded by the National Science Foundation that will investigate how adolescents develop data literacy. Researchers will create a suite of visualization tools, called Impact Studio, and test it with participants in Write4Change, a virtual global...

In the Media
January 11, 2017
, Education Week

The 2017 RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings

Eleven researchers from Penn GSE have made Education Week’s 2017 Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings list. 

Penn GSE News
January 11, 2017

Education Week names nearly a quarter of Penn GSE's standing faculty to list of most influential scholars. 

Marybeth Gasman, Penn GSE
In the Media
January 6, 2017
, Philadelphia Inquirer

Penn prof called out her racist dad; now she's taking aim at faculty hiring

Marybeth Gasman says her racist father prompted her to dedicate her life to social justice, including her penning an op-ed that criticized colleges for failing to employ more faculty of color.

Nelson Flores, Penn GSE
Penn GSE News
January 4, 2017

Nelson Flores explains to The Notebook how federal policies challenged the city’s robust bilingual programs.

Marybeth Gasman, Penn GSE
In the Media
January 3, 2017

Fisk University works to move past cash-strapped history

Marybeth Gasman spoke with NPR All Things Considered about Fisk University.

Joni Finney, Penn GSE
In the Media
January 3, 2017

Nationwide, state budget cuts disproportionately hit low-income, minority college students

"I can only see [education attainment] gaps growing in terms of race and ethnicity and certainly in terms of income if we don’t do something about this,” said Joni Finney.

Michael C. Johanek, Penn GSE
In the Media
December 17, 2016
, Wharton Business Radio

Podcast: Betsy DeVos as the Ed Secretary

Penn GSE's Mike Johanek & Michigan State's Rebecca Jacobsen discuss Betsy DeVos's nomination for US Secretary of Education. Originally aired on 12/17/16 by Wharton Business Radio (@BizRadio111).

In the Media
December 16, 2016
, Inside Higher Ed

Making boards accountable for themselves

Peter Eckel writes about board institutional governance and accountability for colleges and universities.

In the Media
December 15, 2016
, Education Next

The Top 20 Education Next Articles of 2016

Education Next named "What Do We Know About School Discipline Reform," co-authored by Matthew Steinberg, as one of its top-20 stories of 2016.

In the Media
December 14, 2016
, The Christian Science Monitor

Want to improve grades? Ask students how they feel in class.

“Every school, every school district, and every state should be very serious about routinely and systematically assessing school climate, because it really is one of many key determinants of student performance and success,” says Shaun Harper.

Press Releases
December 14, 2016
Report: Community colleges are no longer affordable postsecondary education options for many families.
Jonathan Zimmerman, Penn GSE
In the Media
December 13, 2016
, The Chronicle of Higher Education

Racism was served by silence. Justice requires free speech for all.

Jonathan Zimmerman on the restriction of free speech and racial equality.

Marybeth Gasman, Penn GSE
In the Media
December 13, 2016
, Diverse Education

Initiative launched to develop aspiring presidents of minority-serving institutions

“Strengthening leadership pathways for [minority-serving institutions] is one way to ensure institutional commitment to diversity and equity in higher education," says Marybeth Gasman.

Marybeth Gasman, Penn GSE
In the Media
December 12, 2016
, LinkedIn

LinkedIn Top Voices 2016: The 10 must-know writers in education

Marybeth Gasman named one of LinkedIn's Top 10 Voices in Education.

Penn GSE News
December 9, 2016

Senior Fellow Peter Eckel, a member of the Higher Education division at Penn GSE, was a recent guest on Wharton’s Sirius radio station to discussing the role boards of trustees can play in universities. 
