Marybeth Gasman, Penn GSE
In the Media
March 1, 2017
, Los Angeles Times

Betsy DeVos slammed for calling historically black colleges school choice pioneers

Marybeth Gasman calls Education Secretary DeVos's highly controversial statement about HBCUs "inaccurate and whitewashing of U.S. history.

Penn GSE News
March 1, 2017

School District of Philadelphia humanities teacher and Penn GSE alumnus Charlie McGeehan helped organize the Black Lives Matter Week of Action in Philadelphia in January, reaching over 100 Philadelphia schools. 

Marybeth Gasman, Penn GSE
In the Media
March 1, 2017
, The Hill

DeVos needs history lesson after HBCU school choice comment

Marybeth Gasman pens an op-ed in response to Education Secretary DeVos's highly controversial comments about HBCUs.

Marybeth Gasman, Penn GSE
In the Media
February 28, 2017
, Inside Higher Ed

DeVos: Black Colleges Are 'Pioneers' of 'School Choice'

Marybeth Gasman reacts to Education Secretary Betsy DeVos's issued statement about HBCUs, which has angered many advocates for historically black colleges.

Jonathan Zimmerman, Penn GSE
In the Media
February 24, 2017
, The Chronicle of Higher Education

Harold Wechsler and the Myth of Meritocracy

Jonathan Zimmerman writes about the recent passing of Harold Wechsler and the history of selective college admissions based on factors of race and ethnicity.

Laura W. Perna, Penn GSE
In the Media
February 23, 2017
, Higher Education Today

College Promise Programs: Designing Programs to Achieve the Promise

In a post in Higher Education Today, Laura Perna and doctoral student, Elaine Leigh, talk about the potential of college promise programs to increase higher education attainment and close persisting gaps.

In the Media
February 23, 2017
, The Philadelphia Inquirer

Kenney on state senator's claim about city students: 'It's racism'

“It is actually a form of racism to argue that we should just expect less of people of color – that we shouldn’t challenge them or have the same level of expectations that we have for suburban youth, which is code for 'white,'" says Shaun Harper, responding to a Pennsylvania state senator comments.

Marybeth Gasman, Penn GSE
In the Media
February 22, 2017
, The Hill

State funding cuts routinely hurt certain colleges more than others

Recent state funding cuts to higher education puts greater financial strain on schools enrolling the biggest portion of college students: community colleges and minority serving institutions (MSIs), writes Marybeth Gasman.

Jonathan Zimmerman, Penn GSE
In the Media
February 21, 2017
, Diverse Issues in Higher Education

Free Speech, at the Expense of Who and What?

In this op-ed, Larry McDaniel, Jr., a M.S.Ed. in Higher Education student, comments on the UC Berkeley riots and a previous op-ed by Jonathan Zimmerman.

Penn GSE News
February 21, 2017

Penn GSE now has a total of 13 AERA Fellows, representing more than half of the school’s full professors. Penn is the only university with more than one faculty member granted the prestigious research honor in 2017. 

Penn GSE News
February 17, 2017

Bobbi Kurshan told The Philadelphia Inquirer that the best teachers and entrepreneurs have similar skill sets. 

Nelson Flores, Penn GSE
Awards & Honors
February 17, 2017

Nelson Flores is the winner of the 2017 AERA Early Career Award in Bilingual Education Research. The award recognizes an individual in the early stages of his or her career whose work stands out for its excellence in moving the field forward. The selection committee also considered each candidate’s...

Marybeth Gasman, Penn GSE
In the Media
February 16, 2017
, The Economist

Latino students may help keep the doors open at black colleges

Historically black colleges and universities are becoming more appealing to some Latino students, says Marybeth Gasman. 

Jonathan Zimmerman, Penn GSE
In the Media
February 16, 2017
, The Diamondback

After Betsy DeVos’ confirmation, UMD grad students hold a meeting about public education

Jonathan Zimmerman, who was the keynote speaker at the University of Maryland's education college's Graduate Student Organization, discusses Betsy DeVos, charters schools, and school vouchers.

Penn GSE News
February 16, 2017

At each dinner in the Breaking Bread, Breaking Barriers series, chefs prepare food—and provide a cooking lesson—from two cultures, and guests enjoy the food together. The Reading Terminal Market could handle the food, but asked Harris Sokoloff of Penn GSE's Penn Project for Civic Engagement to create a framework to ease the guests into a deeper conversation. 
