Abby Reisman, Penn GSE
In the Media
August 27, 2022
, Philadelphia Magazine

How do we teach history in America today?

Abby Reisman joins five other Philadelphia educators to discuss American history, equity and inclusion, critical race theory, and other hot-button issues schools and teachers face in 2022.

Penn GSE News
August 24, 2022
a teacher in front of a class

Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher reveals the “hidden curriculum” you get when you have a professor as a parent.

Howard C. Stevenson, Penn GSE
In the Media
August 17, 2022
, Word in Black

Here’s how Black boys can cope with racial and gender violence

Howard Stevenson speaks about the PLAAY Project, which prepares Black male youth to cope with crisis and high-stress situations through sports.

Penn GSE News
August 16, 2022
Man with crossed arms in front of bookshelf

Being chronically absent means missing 10 percent or more of the school year. "It's happening across the nation,” says Gottfried, who spoke with the San Francisco Examiner for a recent story. “And the data show it's particularly bad in big cities.”

Ed Brockenbrough, Penn GSE
In the Media
August 14, 2022

‘It’s just getting worse.’ Central Bucks passes policy censoring class materials with ‘sexualized content’

Ed Brockenbrough, an expert on LGBTQ development, speaks on new policies being implemented in the Central Bucks School District that will allow censoring of "sexualized content." Brockenbrough says these new policies are comparable to Florida's "don't say gay" laws in the way they will disproportionately effect LGBTQ students and other marginalized youth.

Penn GSE News
August 10, 2022
a student reads a book

A team of emerging Penn GSE professionals earned valuable on-the-ground training as counselors this summer, teaching kids tools such as breathing, mindfulness, and motivation.

Richard M. Ingersoll, Penn GSE
In the Media
August 10, 2022
, Oregon Capital Chronicle

Oregon schools lean heavily on emergency teachers, including untrained ones

Research from Richard Ingersoll shows that nearly half of teachers nationwide quit within their first five years on the job.

Penn GSE News
August 9, 2022
teacher in front of a math classroom

Funded by the National Science Foundation, the Responsive Math Teaching project shows Philadelphia teachers and students how rewarding math can be.

Penn GSE News
August 5, 2022
a teacher reads a book in a virtual classroom

It's not easy to get a room full of 5-year-olds to pay attention. It's even trickier when the 5-year-olds are in 25 different rooms.

Michael A. Gottfried, Penn GSE
In the Media
August 5, 2022
, San Francisco Examiner

A quarter of San Francisco public school students were chronically absent last year

Michael Gottfried outlines the four distinct ways that students are impacted by chronic absence, as well as the factors that contribute to it.

Penn GSE News
August 3, 2022

In its second year, the Office of School and Community Engagement's six-week summer program helps students with both academic difficulties and socio-emotional struggles.

Penn GSE News
July 27, 2022
kids fly drones at Hamilton Elementary

The Penn GSE program shows West Philadelphia middle schoolers how to steer drones through spacious classrooms at Hamilton Elementary and the Penn Alexander School.

Penn GSE News
July 25, 2022
a Penn GSE apprentice teaches kids

The summer intro program shows Penn GSE students around West Philadelphia, building cohort camaraderie along the way.

Penn GSE News
July 22, 2022
a group of social studies teachers raising their hands

The collaboration between Penn GSE and Temple University focuses on the facilitation skills needed to talk to students about history, civics, politics, and policy.

Zachary Herrmann, Penn GSE
In the Media
July 22, 2022
, Forbes

Worried about layoffs? 5 tips for job seekers (and job seekers-to-be) in a slowing economy

In an interview with Forbes, Zachary Herrmann encourages job seekers to consider their passions, the impact they hope to make, and the type of organization they hope to work for.

Penn GSE News
July 13, 2022

The Center for Benefit-Cost Studies of Education joined leading experts and practitioners to provide guidance on comprehensive student support to schools, districts, and policy makers.
