December 2, 2021
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Four tiled images include a professor speaking in front of a blackboard, Independence Hall against a clear sky, a white graphic illustration of the map of USA against a dark blue background, and protestors creating human rights signs. A large red block in the center reads “Education and Democracy.”

As a complex era fuels urgent questions about the state of American democracy, faculty and students at Penn GSE are examining key issues of freedom, voice, and dialogue while helping foster respectful discussion within the classroom and beyond.

  • Education Policy & Analysis
  • Language, Literacy & Culture
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Alumni
October 28, 2021
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A free-hand digital illustration of a clenched fist containing a bright, red-colored heart. Text says “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.”

Penn GSE alumni in educational leadership roles are at the forefront of organizations’ efforts towards advocacy, overcoming barriers, creating paths to success, celebrating differences, and more.

  • Race, Equity & Inclusion
  • Higher Education
  • Alumni
October 28, 2021
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A black and white photo of Betty Deane from 1987 is next to a translucent image of the Graduate School of Education building. Text on the image reads “Penn GSE Remembers Betty Deane.”

The Penn GSE community mourns the loss of longtime staff member Betty Deane, who served an extraordinary tenure of more than five decades at the School.

  • Higher Education
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Alumni
October 28, 2021
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Profile shot shows Dr. Roberto Gonzales with hands crossed and looking over his right shoulder, against a gradient backdrop with blue and red color tones. White text on the image reads, “Immigration, Education, and Coming of Age.”]

The first Penn Integrates Knowledge professor to hold an appointment at Penn GSE, Dr. Roberto Gonzales discusses the journey that led to his research on immigrant populations and envisions next steps in his new role.

  • Race, Equity & Inclusion
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Alumni
October 28, 2021
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A view behind several students in a classroom, each with a raised hand. Text reads “Multiple Pathways to Excellence.”

Recent graduates of Penn GSE’s three teacher education master’s programs are implementing what they’ve learned, showing a deep commitment to their students’ futures as they teach mathematics, English, and science.

  • Race, Equity & Inclusion
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Alumni
July 1, 2021
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By teaching, implementing curricula, creating experiences outside of the classroom, and engaging undergraduates in community service, these alumni are preparing the next generation for U.S. civic life.

  • Race, Equity & Inclusion
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Alumni
  • Special Topic: COVID-19
July 1, 2021
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Outdoors, a woman wearing a backpack hugs two children. The three people are facing away from the camera. A headline reads, “Collaborating with Communities.”

Educational and social inequities have long been top of mind for Penn GSE’s Professor Vivian Gadsden, who works with families and educators to uplift the underserved and develop a new definition of child well-being.

  • Philadelphia Impact
  • Race, Equity & Inclusion
  • Language, Literacy & Culture
  • Alumni
July 1, 2021
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A silhouette of a student’s head in a graduation cap is filled with various images of the Penn GSE building, Penn campus views, students, and faculty.

Seeing hope amidst current challenges, Penn GSE professors, scholars, and graduates are examining the changing landscape of higher education and envisioning opportunities to advance educational opportunity and racial justice.

  • Race, Equity & Inclusion
  • Higher Education
  • Alumni
  • Special Topic: COVID-19
June 21, 2021
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Three distinguished Penn GSE alumni shared their perspectives on finding strength in the face of adversity, supporting mental health, and rallying to improve social justice.

  • Higher Education
  • Leadership
  • Teaching & Learning
  • Alumni
May 17, 2021
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Faculty appear in clasrooms in five tiled images. A lavender bar across the bottom reads, “Professional Counseling Master’s Program.”

Penn GSE students preparing for counseling careers have strived to deliver mental health services to vulnerable populations via virtual internships while studying remotely themselves.

  • Race, Equity & Inclusion
  • Counseling & Psychology
  • Alumni
  • Special Topic: COVID-19


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